Startup Costs For A Small Business

How Much Money do you really need to start a small business?​

I started a car detailing company back in the day for just $100 dollars…Wrong!! No you didn’t, stop lying to the people. I’ll tell you how much it really costs to start a legally run car detailing company. If you want to do something, you mine as well follow the rules. Besides, following the rules enhances morals in society, and a society with good morals cannot fail. So how much does it really cost to start a detailing company? I broke the costs down for you below:

  1. To start off your business, you have to make it legit, therefore you’re going to need a website, a website host, and a domain name. Bye bye $100, but remember in order to make money, you’re going to need to spend money. Trust me, I know it’s painful, but that’s the name of the game. I purchased a website host and domain name from Siteground. They are super compatible with WordPress, and they have all the bells and whistles, including SSL. Cost? $600 for three years. You can always go higher or lower on price, but in my opinion, in today’s times, this is the price you’re looking at for a super reliable website host.
  2. Now you’re going to need to build your website and design your logo. I learned a lot about wordpress and logo design, but when it comes to something as crucial as your company’s brand, I go with the professionals. There’s just some things you shouldn’t do on your own. Would you let a med student perform open heart surgery on your loved ones? Of course not, so why try and build your website and logo design yourself when it isn’t your bread and butter. I headed over to my friends at and found the perfect website and logo designer. Total cost? $800 Yes indeedy I had a lot of influence in the design process and now I can build websites with the best of them, but in the beginning, I left the actual completion of my website in the hands of the pros!! What’s cool about knowing how to navigate around wordpress though, is after my website was completed, I could still make little tweaks and changes on my own. I’ve worked hard at learning and researching how to use WordPress and now I have a new side hustle!!
  3. Getting into the legit side of the business world, you’re going to need an LLC, and insurance. This is a must have, trust me, this is your shield, your protection from the leaches. Most people have nothing but kindness in their heart, but there’s always that one snake slithering in the jungle, tired of eating it’s own tail. It also protects your employees and customers. Total cost after paying your state fees as well? $600
  4. How about some advertising, that’s pretty important I’d say. You could head over to vistaprint and get some really nice business cards and fliers. This doesn’t even include any type of SEO, but if you do such a good job, you could get all your business from your excellent reviews, and referrals and word of mouth. Total cost? $150
  5. Guess what, do I have some good news for you. You don’t need a business license to start a car detailing company!! Woohoo, one less expense, and a business bank account and EI# is free as well. (sign up for your LLC first and than go to your state’s website to get your EI# and to register your company.) You do however need to register your company and get a tax and insurance account, and that’s gonna cost you. Cost? $200
  6. You can’t start a detailing business without supplies, and to really add the finishing touches on, you might want to buy some professional looking shirts and beanies with your logo on them. Not only will you be looking oh so good, but it’s also free advertising. The price for supplies will definitely fluctuate and if you add more employees the cost of shirts will go up as well, but to get started, I’d say you’re looking at around $50, and supplies at a bare minimum…$1000
  7. This next item is for house cleaning.  It isn’t a requirement, but I highly recommend it, besides one of my mentors Angela Brown, highly recommends it as well. You can also get a discount if you mention her name. The service is called house call pro. It’s incredible!! House call pro will help you organize your business, help with taking payments for your business, they even supply gift cards for your business, and it’s specifically for cleaning companies but you can also use it for other businesses as well. Head over to sign up. Cost? $50 a month.

So can you start a Detailing business for $100? Not to be a Debbie downer, but Absolutely not. OK, sure, I guess technically you could, but it won’t be legal, it won’t be professional, and in the long run it’s going to be a long and winding road if you don’t follow this path. I’m not going to judge you if you do but I’m just trying to help you succeed. So the bad news is you’re going to have to spend at least $4000 to start a detailing business, that’s not even including a van if you go mobile, but don’t fret, I still detail out of my car. Just make sure your car is looking good!! Btw, that $4000 doesn’t include adding another business like a house cleaning business…don’t be insane like me lol.  Here’s the good news though, if you do save your money, and go this route, you’ll be setup to succeed if you do, and the sky’s the limit. That $4000 has the potential to start an awesome business, and earn thousands of dollars if done right and you’ll be helping a lot of people. Good luck you future entrepreneurs or future classy detailers you!!

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